
Strategic consulting and methods development

In order to develop new knowledge with inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, the associated work processes need to be well thought out and carefully planned. Team CoKnow supports you right from the beginning, i. e. during the conceptual design in the project application phase; during the project with the development of an implementation strategy, in the actual research process, or if adjustments have to be made during the project. We are also offering evaluation and follow-up. Our support is rooted in a strong theoretical foundation, proven by numerous publications, as well as experience from many inter- and transdisciplinary projects, creative planning methods and a keen sense for your objectives.

We are passionate about developing new methods for the co-production of knowledge. All inter- and transdisciplinary projects are unique and standard methods make little sense. Together with you, we think our way into your research processes, work out objectives and research questions and tailor methods that take into account the needs of all participants and ultimately produce publishable data. Our services range from the adaptation of existing methods to novel combinations of mixed-method-approaches and the development of completely new methods such as serious games. It is important to us that all participants can contribute their perspectives and learn from each other both in the process of method development and in data collection.

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Moderation and process support

Being a researcher and a moderator at the same time, i. e. facilitating your own events and paying attention to the contents is difficult. Leave the moderation of individual events or event series to Team CoKnow and gain the freedom to focus on your presentation, discussions, and networking with colleagues. Whether moderation of large group or expert workshops, interactive formats or panel discussions, we support you in the definition of event goals and target groups, co-develop event concepts, suggest suitable methods and procedures, and create detailed moderation guidelines and schedules. Our moderations include an appropriate and professional welcome to create an open atmosphere right from the start. We maintain a constructive setting by welcoming all perspectives, structure discussions and offer brief syntheses of contributions. We are empathic and impartial and manage conflicts of interests. You can also put the evaluation and follow up of the events in our hands.

Everyone thinks, plans and works differently. This fact alone makes working in a team a challenge. In inter- and transdisciplinary projects different technical languages, management approaches, hierarchies and time horizons come on top, resulting in friction. Team CoKnow offers approaches to team development and collaboration, which allow you and your scientific and practice partners to make use of the friction, work complementarily, create synergies and make cooperation pleasant and productive. Together we focus on getting the core team started, facilitate the expansion of collaborative networks by various partners, support you in in difficult phases and accompany you and your partners through change processes.

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Science communication

Modern research involves the communication of scientific processes and results to society. This requires not only traditional scientific channels, such as scientific journals, but also tools and knowledge for bridging communication and appropriate presentation.

Effective science communication feeds scientific knowledge into a dialogue enabling a well-informed society to acquire and understand knowledge and make knowledge-based decisions.

Team CoKnow assists in the communication of research results to a broader audience outside the scientific community and helps to ensure practical relevance. When it comes to developing products at the end of research, such as an app, a podcast, a science comic or a map, we work together to develop the right format based on the following questions:

  • Which objectives do I want to achieve with the communication?
  • Who are the target groups of the communication?
  • What results are relevant for these target groups?
  • What is my core message?
  • Which narrative is appealing to the target groups?
  • Which channel can I use to reach my target groups?

We support you in formulating and designing texts and content to be comprehensive and accessible to non-scientific audiences. In doing so, we seek close collaboration and foster co-production.

We are happy to address to your specific requirements and wishes!

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Research and Evaluation

Are you looking for a reliable partner for the social science part of your project or project proposal? We have more than 20 years of experience in inter- and transdisciplinary research, as evidenced by over 100 publications. In recent years, the coordination of chapters for IPBES assessments or transformation potentials in the German context have been just as much a part of our work as the analysis of stakeholder networks, the participatory development of scenarios or the management of transdisciplinary case studies. One of our specialities is the development of methods for the co-production of knowledge.

An external evaluation can be enormously helpful right from the start. A concept for the evaluation of projects and other plans can help to clearly define objectives and formulate criteria and indicators for the achievement of objectives as early as the application phase. Our evaluation supports your professional project management in documenting the progress of the project with regard to the defined project objectives and provides valuable information on where further improvements and adjustments are required during project implementation. In addition to impact documentation, evaluation also means transparency and legitimacy and promotes dialogue and the use of synergies. Appreciation for your achievements and constructive dialogues are the cornerstones in our collaboration.

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Trainings and E-Learning Services

You and your team would like to organise inter- and transdisciplinary projects on your own? Team CoKnow offers various formats for training and further education for researchers at different career levels. What all courses have in common is that they are not standard programmes. Contents and methods are adapted to the requirements of your inter- and transdisciplinary processes and knowledge needs. We organise our courses directly on your premises. Of course as experts in multimedia teaching, we also offer rich and interactive online events.

Are you facing the challenge of organising your own digital course and are not quite sure what blended learning, asynchronous learning, screencasts, MOOCs, etc. are all about and how they can help you? We work with you to develop e-learning formats, for example for academics and decision-makers. We advise you on everything from technology and didactics to content and suggest a wide range of methods and tools that engage participants and ensure knowledge transfer. Our expertise is based on our own experience of implementing e-learning formats and supporting numerous lecturers in the development and implementation of their own events.

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