CoKnow presents the expert workshop of the research group MultiplEE
At the beginning of June, the first expert workshop of the research group "MultiplEE" on the topic "Spatial distribution of the expansion of wind energy on land by 2030 - sustainability conflicts and synergies" took place. More than 30 experts from science, industry, NGOs and the energy industry came to Leipzig and exchanged views on synergies and conflicts between certain sustainability criteria. Within the framework of a simulation game it was discussed whether pre- and subordinate areas for the sustainable development of wind energy can be identified.
As scientific partner CoKnow was again on board this time. Thus, Jennifer Hauck guided the event and was previously involved in the development of the overall concept as well as in the selection of the stakeholders. She moderated the workshop and also took over the moderation of a discussion round in the context of a World Café.
The research group MultiplEE deals with the question, to what extent a sustainable development of renewable energies can succeed and develops i.a. policy strategies to tackle ecological conflicts in the energy transition.