CABES Training on the utilization of IPBES assessments

As part of the CABES Capacity Development Programme – CCDP for professionals, CoKnow Consulting builds the capacity of CABES stakeholders for an increased uptake of IPBES outputs and processes. This is done by organising online trainings, open to everyone, and face-to-face trainings involving IPBES National Focal Points.

In this line of work, we organized the first CCDP face-to-face training on 6th and 7th November 2023 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, together with Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN). The training focused on the utilization of IPBES assessment outcomes in national policy making with a specific focus the IPBES assessments on Invasive Alien Species and Sustainable Use of Wild Species. This training brought together IPBES and CBD National Focal Points as well as scientists from West, Central and East Africa, who actively discussed tactics and strategies for facilitating the uptake of these two assessments into national policy making.

At the end of the training the participants collaboratively prepared presentations on four topic fields including 1) raising awareness about IPBES products in national level; (2) identifying key points to be considered for controlling Invasive Alien species (3) reflecting on how to elaborate a national ecosystem assessment (4) identifying key actions to integrate Invasive Alien Species (IAS) report into National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plans. The presentations were shared afterwards during the CABES East subregional workshop on 9th November, 2023.

For further information on the face-to-face training, please consult the summary report available here:

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