BioValue – arena for transformation in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
The BioValue project looks at the role spatial planning is playing in the great transformation and how biodiversity protection can be integrated better. It is funded under the EU’s Horizon programme and is lead by the partner from University of Lisbon. The other scientific consortium partners are from Aalborg University Denmark, University Trento, Italy and the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig, Germany. Within the project, three instrumental perspectives are used to address transformative change: Spatial planning and management, Environmental assessments (SEA and EIA) and Economic and Financial instruments.
In the three arenas of the project, in Mafra (Portugal), Trento (Italy) and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany), transformative practices are the focus. CoKnow operates the arena work in the German arena with social scientific research and stakeholder involvement. This includes getting in touch with actors and working together on finding future pathways. This includes literature research, key informant interviews, taking part in actor meetings and organising workshops.
The aim to leverage biodiversity protection and the great transformation of society with spatial planning is very complex and CoKnow is happy to work in this cutting-edge field alongside very competent partners!
Infos on the project can be found here: