Bio-based CO₂ removal processes - CoKnow moderates four practical workshops
Carbon dioxide removal using biomass and soil is a key element of German climate policy in order to achieve the goal of greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045. Bio-based CO₂ removal processes can be realized in various ways. Together with numerous practice partners, the BioNET joint project is discussing: 1) processes for the production of bioenergy with subsequent carbon capture and storage, 2) approaches for rewetting and reactivating peat enrichment and the subsequent use of biomass from wet peatlands, 3) silvicultural measures, 4) processes for sustainable agriculture and land use and 5) the development and production of durable building materials made from natural materials.
We supported these discussions in three regional workshops in 2023 and one supra-regional workshop in February 2024. Together with the project team, we developed methodological approaches, including rankings for CO₂ removal methods and a matrix approach to structure the dialogue on interactions. The co-development of a serious game approach to CO₂ collection procedures ( was particularly inspiring. We were also able to help prepare the data from the discussions during the workshops for a scientific publication.
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